The Reef Citizen Science Alliance is a network of 13 members working with partners to foster collaboration, capacity building, advancement and action for citizen science that benefits Queensland's Reefs.

Citizen science is community participation and collaboration in scientific research.

It’s a great way to build knowledge, collect valuable data, support positive local action for the Reef and build community partnerships.



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A project for everyone

There is a citizen science project for everyone. You can study anything - from Mangroves to Manta rays, from coral to coastal habitats.

In a time when the Reef needs heroes, our members are committed to delivering citizen science programs for the Reef. Discover more today!

Join like-minded people for group activities, or collect data in your own time, in or out of the water.

Check out the regions where projects are running on the map or check out organisations to decide how you might like to get involved!


 ReefBlitz 2019


From 1-31 October, 2019, Alliance members and partners delivered citizen science and local action activities from coast to coral. Fourty seven events were hosted, including beach clean ups and data collection, saltmarsh monitoring and coastal revegetation activities.

This year, clean- up and source reduction activities were a central theme, thanks to ReefClean. ReefClean aims to remove and prevent marine debris along the Great Barrier Reef region. The initiative is funded by the Australian Government’s Reef Trust and delivered by Tangaroa Blue Foundation in partnership with Conservation Volunteers Australia, AUSMAP, Capricornia Catchments, Eco Barge Clean Seas, OceanWatch Australia, Reef Check Australia, South Cape York Catchments.

Read all about it in our 2019 ReefBliz wrap up



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