Citizen scientists
Want to contribute to a great cause and explore the wonders of this unique environment at the same time?
Citizen Science gives you the opportunity of a lifetime to experience the coastal and marine habitats and wildlife - like never before.
Find out more:
See the list of Alliance Member organisations to find a project that's right for you!
You can also select the Queensland region where you would like to get involved in a project--there are options on the Northern GBR, Central GBR, Southern GBR and even in SE Queensland!
Also consider the broader scope of citizen science through the Atlas of Living Australia Citizen Science Project Finder and SciStarter.
Citizen science organisations
We are reviewing our membership structure and therefore not currently accepting new members. Please check back!
Benefits include access to: connections with key stakeholders, support coastal and marine citizen science projects, enhanced communication with other practioners, and capacity building resources.
Scientists & Managers
Discover the wealth of information that coastal and marine citizen science projects can offer. Member organisations have a vast array of data for everything from mangroves to coral.Citizen scientists help to produce real and tangible results, with data being used by professional scientists, reef managers, communities or conservation groups.
Find out more:
To connect with a citizen science group regarding a project idea or data use, please contact the groups directly.
To discuss larger partnerships with multiple groups, please get in touch via the Alliance and we can help facilitate discussions.