ReefBlitz is an annual event that lets you contribute to a snapshot of catchment and reef health, and get involved in practical actions to help look after Queensland's reefs.
ReefBlitz Wrap-Up 2019
From 1-31 October, 2019, Alliance members and partners delivered citizen science and local action activities from coast to coral. Fourty seven events were hosted, including beach clean ups and data collection, saltmarsh monitoring and coastal revegetation activities.
This year, clean- up and source reduction activities were a central theme, thanks to ReefClean. ReefClean aims to remove and prevent marine debris along the Great Barrier Reef region. The initiative is funded by the Australian Government’s Reef Trust and delivered by Tangaroa Blue Foundation in partnership with Conservation Volunteers Australia, AUSMAP, Capricornia Catchments, Eco Barge Clean Seas, OceanWatch Australia, Reef Check Australia, South Cape York Catchments.
Check out the digital spark story below to see what teams helped to achieve across Queensland!
Events Blitzed in 2019!
Join Conservation Volunteers Australia and partners for this ReefClean beach clean up and data collection event

Join Tangaroa Blue and partners for a workshop to identify a local marine debris item to tackle at the source

Join CoralWatch for a coral cruise in Moreton Bay!

Jump aboard the Lady Musgrave Experience and become a Marine Biologist for a Day!
Join Cairns and Far North Environment Centre and Mangrove Watch on a Super Saltmarsh Savers monitoring expedition!

Join Conservation Volunteers and partners to help with a beach clean up and data collection focused on microplastics at Thompsons Beach, Victoria Point.

Join Tangaroa Blue and partners for a workshop to identify a local marine debris item to tackle at the source

Join Conservation Volunteers and partners to help with planting and weeding around the coastal areas of Coochiemudlo Island to help restore native habitat and revive coastal health to protect Moreton Bay.

Join Conservation Volunteers and partners for a beach clean up, data collection and dune planting activity at Rollingstone Beach, Ayr.. Details TBD.

Join Conservation Volunteers and partners to help with planting, watering, weeding around the Woorim Foreshore on Bribie Island to help restore native habitat and revive coastal health to protect Moreton Bay.

Join Conservation Volunteers and partners for this ReefClean beach clean up event at Cape Bedford in Cape York.

Join Conservation Volunteers and partners to help restore riparian habitat along Ross River, Townsville.

Join Conservation Volunteers Australia and partners for this ReefClean beach clean up and data collection event at Curtis Island, Gladstone.

Join Tangaroa Blue and partners for this ReefClean beach clean up event at Four Mile Beach, Port Douglas QLD..

Join Reef Check Australia for a coastal beach clean! If you have relevant SCUBA Dive certifications, then you may also help with the underwater clean up!

Join Reef Check Australia for a coastal beach clean! If you have relevant SCUBA Dive certifications, then you may also help with the underwater clean up!

Join Tangaroa Blue and partners for this ReefClean beach clean up event at Cape Kimberley, Daintree, QLD.

Join Conservation Volunteers and partners to help restore riparian habitat along Ross River, Townsville.

Join Conservation Volunteers and partners for a beach clean up, data collection and dune planting activity in Gladstone.. Details TBD.

Join Capricornia Coast and partners for this ReefClean beach clean up event at Farnborough Beach, Yeppoon.
Join Tangaroa Blue and partners for a beach clean up and data collection on Hinchinbrook Island

Join Conservation Volunteers and partners to help with planting and weeding around the coastal areas of Coochiemudlo Island to help restore native habitat and revive coastal health to protect Moreton Bay.

Join Conservation Volunteers and partners to help with a beach clean up and data collection at Moffat Beach, Sunshine Coast.

Join Tangaroa Blue and partners for a beach clean up and data collection on Hinchinbrook Island

Join Conservation Volunteers and partners for a beach clean up, data collection and dune planting activity at Rollingstone Beach, Townsville..

Join Conservation Volunteers and partners for a beach clean up and data collection as part of Reef Clean at Bundaberg - Innes Park.

Join Tangaroa Blue and partners for a beach clean up and data collection on Hinchinbrook Island

Join Conservation Volunteers and partners to help with planting, watering, weeding around the Woorim Foreshore on Bribie Island to help restore native habitat and revive coastal health to protect Moreton Bay.
Why ReefBlitz Matters!
Hot of the press is the lastest research (Dean et al 2018) showing why ReefBlitz & the citizen science programs it supports are so important! A new study with Centre of Excellence for Environmental Decisions showed that not only can citizen science generate large amounts of data about our reefs, but citizen science programs can positively influence stewardship! ReefBlitz participants in 2016 reported a willingness to share reef conservation information (91%), increased support for marine science and conservation (87%), and intention to adopt a new conservation behaviour (51%).
Want to check out previous years of ReefBlitz?
ReefBlitz 2018 | ReefBlitz 2017 | ReefBlitz 2016 event summary & video | ReefBlitz 2015 | ReefBlitz 2014 launch