ReefBlitz 2018

ReefBlitz is an annual event that lets you contribute to a snapshot of catchment and reef health, and get involved in practical actions to help look after Queensland's reefs.
It’s International Year of the Reef and never has it been more important for us all to take action to help reefs.
From 1 to 31 October 2018, you can join ReefBlitz through one of two ways!
1. FIND AN EVENT NEAR YOU! Check out the calendar of events and see if there is one near you!
2. CONTRIBUTE IMPORTANT CITIZEN SCIENCE information to one of these 5 citizen science programs (no matter where you live in Queensland!):
Share your coral colour findings from the Coral Health Chart with CoralWatch!
Report Sightings through the Eye on the Reef app!
Send in your manta ray images to Project Manta!
Send in a photo of unusual sealife to Redmap for identification to track range shifts!
Share your beach clean up findings with Tangaroa Blue to track debris to the source!
Why ReefBlitz Matters!
Hot of the press is the lastest research (Dean et al 2018) showing why ReefBlitz & the citizen science programs it supports are so important! A new study with Centre of Excellence for Environmental Decisions showed that not only can citizen science generate large amounts of data about our reefs, but citizen science programs can positively influence stewardship! ReefBlitz participants in 2016 reported a willingness to share reef conservation information (91%), increased support for marine science and conservation (87%), and intention to adopt a new conservation behaviour (51%).
Want to check out previous years of ReefBlitz?

ReefBlitz 2017 | ReefBlitz 2016 event summary & video | ReefBlitz 2015 | ReefBlitz 2014 launch

In 2017, our ReefBlitz partners:
ReefBlitz 2018 is funded by Queensland Government, with in-kind support from our network of members and partners.
The Great Barrier Reef Foundation and Boeing are founding partners of ReefBlitz.
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