CoralWatch integrates global monitoring of coral bleaching with education about coral reef conservation. We are active in more than 70 countries, and are based at The University of Queensland, in Brisbane, Australia. In 2002, CoralWatch developed and validated the Coral Health Chart. This chart standardises changes in coral colour, providing a simple way for volunteers to quantify coral bleaching and monitor coral health. The Coral Health Chart is used by dive centres, scientists, school groups, and tourists. Anyone can contribute to our global database, while reef walking, snorkelling or diving. You don’t need extensive training – just download a Do it Yourself Kit, request a Coral Health Chart, and you are ready to go! You can participate in CoralWatch monitoring anywhere - you can monitor corals at existing sites, or you can choose a new area that suits you.
Learn more about reefs with our education resources, including our book Coral Reefs and Climate Change, our educational DVD series, and Reef Education Packages. Find out more on our website.