Reef Check Australia

Empowering people to save our reefs and oceans

Reef Check Australia believes in protecting reefs and oceans by empowering people. We are an innovative environmental charity dedicated to engaging the community in hands-on reef research and education. Our teams are part of a worldwide network of trained volunteers that regularly monitor and report on reef health in more than 90 countries using the standardised Reef Check scientific survey method. The accessible reef health information collected by our citizen scientists, along with an array of engaging educational programs, help to actively engage Queensland communities in understanding, appreciating and protecting their reef resources.

Looking for other ways to get involved? Be a REEFSearcher to build your skills about reef identification and observation, then share your findings and photos through the online REEFSearch Hub. Or learn more about reef in the classroom with our award winning Reef IQ program. An array of education and outreach programs offer communities, individuals and school groups hands-on research and educational opportunities to inspire reef champions around Australia.

View the Reef Check website.

View upcoming events on our website events calendar.

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